New Year, New Pest-Free Home

A pest-free home

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Eco-friendly Resolutions for a pest-free home in 2025

As we step into a fresh new year, many of us are setting resolutions to improve our lives, homes, and habits. Why not add one more to maintain a pest-free home the eco-friendly way? Sustainable pest control not only helps protect your family and property, but also safeguards the environment.

So, here are some practical, eco-friendly resolutions for 2025:

1. Seal up your home

        Pests like cockroaches, ants and rodents often enter homes through cracks and gaps in the walls, doors, and windows. Inspect your property for potential entry points and seal them up. Common entry points that we don’t see are those under the sink where outlet pipes go, back door/ scullery areas, indoor braai areas, the attic door and around all our windows.

        2. Declutter to deter pests

          Clutter provides hiding spots for pests like spiders and cockroaches. Start the year with a summer clean of your home and garage. Donate those unused items to non-profits and recycle anything else you can. A tidy home is less attractive to pests and creates a healthier living environment for you too.

          3. Embrace natural pest repellents

          Many plants and essential oils are natural pest deterrents. For example, lavender repels moths and mosquitoes. Mint deters ants ad flies. And you must know this one by now – citronella keeps mosquitoes away. So, place these plants around your home and garden to create that pest-free atmosphere!

          4. Practice proper food storage

          Food left out in the open is a magnet for pests. So go and find those tuppawares you lent out in 2024 and store your food tightly in those. Also, maybe it’s time to throw away the kitchen cloth you have used for more than 12 months and get a new clean one to wipe away those spills immediately. Last one is easy – regularly empty your trash and compost bins to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for flies and other pests. Especially in this heat wave we are currently having!

          5. Manage moisture

          Termites and mosquitoes thrive in damp environments. Fix those leaky pipes, unclog those drains and air out the bathrooms and basements.

          So, there you have it, only 5 eco-friendly resolutions for your pest-free home in 2025.

          Easy Peasy!

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