The festive season is upon us and it’s a time for family, friends, travel and relaxation.
Here are some things to remember when it comes to pests and traveling to different places:
- Always check the online reviews!
This is where people that have been there before you leave comments about their experiences at that particular place. Look for any comments about mosquitoes, bedbugs or rodents.
- Do some research on the area.
Know the area that you are going to so that you know what pest control products to take. E.g., if traveling to a malaria area, you should take the recommended tablets and precautionary mosquito spray.
- Talk to you Doctor.
Your Doctor should know if there are any specific vaccines or medication that you should take before traveling to a particular destination.
- Remember to pack insect repellent.
Make sure that you are not allergic to the repellent and follow the directions for use carefully.
- Keep cleaning.
Everyone feels a little lazy on holiday, but its important to remember to clean up spills as soon as possible. Remember that you may be in vacation mode, but pests aren’t!
Pests never take a holiday! They are always on the lookout for food and shelter. Be pest conscious, think SMART and above all, enjoy your holiday season!