Tag: Effective Pest Management


Know your pests this Autumn.

It is a common misconception that all pests hibernate and disappear in late autumn and winter months. Although pest activity is somewhat lower than in


Pest Mythbusters

We all believe that we need to use cheese in our mouse trap because that is what cartoons have taught us, but is that really


Out with the old and in with the new.

SMARTSENZ® IPM has redefined what it means to provide integrated pest management services for the past 6 years. We have changed the way people think


Pests don’t take a holiday!

The festive season is upon us and it’s a time for family, friends, travel and relaxation. Here are some things to remember when it comes


November ’21- Sustainability

Sustainability. A word that has become important in this generation’s vocabulary. The meaning of ‘sustainability’, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is “The degree to